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Pages tagged "Lochend"

MTIS Operations Report

MTIS was introduced to Lochend and Restalrig residents in 2023 when households first started to receive letters announcing the scheme. The news of millions of pounds of investment to the area was deeply welcome given the level of disrepair to buildings.

At the October 2024 meeting of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee, the MTIS team submitted a Completion Report for Wester Hailes MTIS. At this meeting, the Committee passed a motion to temporarily pause major further expansion of MTIS until February 2025, to allow any prospective changes political groups may wish to make to the scheme as part of the budget setting process.

Council tenants, private tenants and homeowners in Lochend have been working together to ensure their conditions are secure as MTIS work is carried out in their community. Implementing a just transition in the housing sector is a practical matter of pivotal importance.

The aim of this report is to share with the council generally, but specifically with the MTIS team, our communities experience of the scheme in order to make recommendations that can improve communication and participation.

Each section is comprised of questions that residents still have about the scheme, and in green boxes are our recommendations for how it would be helpful to communicate this information.

This report has been sent to the MTIS team, where we also invited them to meet with us. 

Insulate Lochend Fairly - Sign the open letter

Last year, Living Rent Lochend branch celebrated winning millions of pounds of much needed investment into the housing in Lochend and Restalrig after taking action at the City Chambers. 

Now, members have written to elected Councillors and responsible council staff asking them to make sure that the Mixed Tenure Improvement Service - an area based scheme to improve housing in the community - is implemented fairly and on the community's terms. 

Living Rent members drafted a letter outlining our concerns with the scheme and our proposals to address them - back the demands and sign the letter now! 

You can read the letter in full here.

146 signatures

Edinburgh Council - Insulate Lochend and Restalrig fairly! 

Use your power to provide: 

  • Fairer funding to reduce the cost of this work for working class homeowners in the most deprived areas of the city by improving the Scheme of Assistance
  • Greater community involvement in decision making
  • Increased protections from eviction for private rented tenants by letting people remain in their homes as social tenants if their landlord sells back to the council. 
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