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Castlemilk Living Rent 

Upcoming Events: April - May 2022

Saturday April 23rd - Street stall at The Braes, 1-3pm 

Thursday April 28th - Negotiation Training with Home Group tenant-members (If you're a Castlemilk Home Group member - or a tenant who would like to join the union - and want to be involved, get in touch with your local organiser James for more details) 

Saturday April 30th  - Home Group tenants Community Day of Action (more details TBA)

Wednesday May 5th - Monthly Members Meeting, Castlemilk Parish Church 7-8.30pm 

Updates on Castlemilk Living Rent Activity:

#GetTheLightsOn in Castlemilk Park and Woodlands! 
At their March members meeting Castlemilk Living Rent members voted to campaign for the broken street lights around the pond in Castlemilk Park, and on the paths between Barlia Terrace and Ardencraig Road to be fixed and put back on.  They decided that not only do the broken street lights limit neighbours access to their public green space, but the darkness in these areas poses a danger to public safety on a crucial route through the neighbourhood, for young people, dog walkers and workers alike. 

With the council elections fast approaching members have been in touch with all candidates standing for Linn Ward asking them to pledge their support for this demand should they be elected in May, and are now arranging to meet candidates in person so they can confirm their support.  Stay tuned for further updates!

Castlemilk Home Group Tenants Deserve Better!
Since the beginning of the year our members who are Home Group tenants in Castlemilk have been organising themselves to demand improvements to the quality of life in their part of the neighbourhoods. 

A 10 member organising team have been meeting regularly to move the campaign forward, and now have well over half their fellow tenants behind demands to: 

- Get flytipping decisively dealt with and get GCC to clarify their decision to scrap the bulk uplift charge 
- To negotiate a rebate for service charges taken whilst services weren't provided during the lock down, and negotiate an appropriate charge going forward
- To get rotten wooden fencing in their area replaced with good quality, weatherproof fencing

On April 30th members will be getting together for a community day of action on these demands. If you're a Home Group tenant in Castlemilk, join the union today and get in touch with your local organiser James.  

Castlemilk Member Defence - Stand Together and Hold the Housing to Account!
Put simply Member Defence is about Living Rent members collectively organising to secure improvement on housing issues in their homes or blocks. Member Defence cases are fought and won by Living Rent members standing together and organising collective pressure and action to hold landlords, private and social, to account.  

If you are a Castlemilk tenant with a landlord issue that needs challenging, join the union today and contact your local organiser James to arrange a meeting with your local member defenders.

Regular Castlemilk Living Rent Members Meetings in 2022 
Castlemilk Living Rent has moved back to having in person meetings. They are the on the first Wednesday of every month and are held at Castlemilk Parish Church, Dougrie Rd, 7-8.30pm.  Members meetings are open to members from across the neighbourhood, and other residents who are interested in meeting members, learning about the union, and deciding if they want to join. So, whether you're already a member, or you want to know what Castlemilk Living is all about, come along to your next members and meeting and get active!

If you want to find out more about any of Castlemilk Living Rent's events or activity, please get in touch with Living Rent's neighbourhood organiser for Castlemilk, James Roberts, on 07873233134 or [email protected] 

Give this a share!
Do you have neighbours, friends or family who want to organise collective action and demand better for Castlemilk? Then share this information with them, and get them to join the union today!  

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  • James Roberts
    published this page in Local branches 2021-12-21 16:46:33 +0000