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Gorgie/Dalry October Branch Meeting

Thursday 5th October, St Brides Orwell Terrace 

Come along to Gorgie Dalry's monthly branch meeting to discuss how we can build power in the area and win meaningful changes in the area and our homes. This meeting is open to anyone that lives in the area. Branch meetings are on the first full week of each month, Thursday at 6pm. 

This Meetings Focus will be

New Deal for Tenants National Campaign 
- City wide campaigns
- Local Outreach and Action Plans 
- Public Loos 

Public toilets are an essential service that benefit everyone. Currently, there are no public toilets in the local area and we need your help to and run the branch’s campaign! Right now we are focusing on getting signatures on the petition and reaching out to other groups that will be affected by this. Get in touch with us if you are interested or have ideas! 

Kids welcome. If you would like specialised childcare so you can focus on the meeting, let us know and we can organise that. 
Wheelchair accessible. If you require translation or have any other accessibility needs please let us know. 

If you cannot make it to the meeting but want to get active in the public toilet campaign, national work on tenancy rights, member defence work or have an issue you want to solve, contact [email protected] or Olly Brown your chair who is on the mmebers whatsapp group/slack

Living Rent is Scotland's Tenants Union, rooted in the community, working to put power back in the hands of ordinary people. Join here: 

October 05, 2023 at 6:00pm - 7:30pm
St Brides, 10 Orwell Terrace, Edinburgh EH11 2DZ
10 Orwell Ter
St Brides
Edinburgh EH11 2DZ
United Kingdom
Google map and directions

Will you come?

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  • Izzi Brannen
    published this page 2023-09-27 13:15:04 +0100