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Member Defence Work Session - Glasgow

Is your landlord shite💩? 📣 We've got your back! 📣

The Member Defence team is here for Living Rent members that are struggling with their landlord or letting agent. We've won back thousands of pounds worth of illegal fees and compensation, forced landlords to carry out repairs, held them to account when harassing tenants, and resisted evictions across the city.

When tenants come together and support each other through collective action we can take back power and fight a system that puts profit over people. This means we confront housing injustice by negotiating directly with landlords and letting agents, and use direct action to show them that we are serious about tenants’ rights.

The Member Defence team for the Glasgow General Members branch meets fortnightly to work through our members’ cases collectively. We want you as a member to be central in deciding how the union can best support you and in organising future actions. All members are welcome to the work sessions, whether you come to get support or to help defend your fellow tenants.

They've got our money - so let's give them the fear! ✊

On a practical note:

If you have an issue and want union support, let us know by shooting an email to: [email protected]. Keep in mind that for complex legal issues, we will signpost organisations that are better placed to help you.

The meeting changes location from week to week to ensure accessibility for members, so let the team know if you have any specific access needs.

Not a member yet? Join here:

April 08, 2020 at 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Jack Hanington ·

Will you come?