One of the key ways we support one another is through member defence.
Across our cities, teams of members work with one another to secure improvements to their housing situations using direct collective action. This means members are at the forefront of fighting to address their own issues, protect themselves and their neighbourhoods.
We aren’t trained lawyers, but we have built expertise through our own experiences as renters and by working with each other to defend our right to a good, secure, affordable home. And we win! Over the years we have won thousands in compensation, stopped evictions, resisted rent hikes and won thousands of pounds worth of repairs.
What we'll cover: This training focuses on the member defence process from start to finish, including case assessments and strategy, writing letters of demands, and action planning.
Why: This training is intended for members who are keen to support others dealing with housing issues and are ready to commit some time to building the union.
Limited spaces available, so please RSVP.
Any questions, get in touch with Levi (details below).
*Tea and coffee will be provided, and we will break midway through for lunch.*