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Member Defence West End

Come along to our next local member defence session!

Our member defence sessions are where members come together to support each other resolve housing issues, winning repairs, stopping rent increases, halting evictions and improving our housing conditions. 

Meetings are open to anyone with housing issues or any member who wants to work with fellow members to win real changes to our homes and grow the union. If you want to work on your issue with other members, you need to join as a member, come along to find out what that means or see our join page.


At each meeting we cover: national and local updates from across the union; training on member defence principles and actions; and collectively strategize around our members' issues. 

RSVP to come along and if you have your own issue contact us beforehand, and please bring any relevant documentation e.g. notice to quit, tenancy agreement, letter from landlord. 

Accessibility: Ground floor, with some stairs into the building and some tight doors. Kids welcome to come and also take part, responsibility is with the parents. If you have translation needs or other accessibility needs let us know. 

October 26, 2023 at 6:00pm - 8pm
68 Oakfield Avenue UCU Offices
Levi Mitchell · · 07808647427

Will you come?