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Leith Member Defence Meeting

Wednesday 10th Leith at 6.30pm, Leith Library. 

Member defence is how we win real changes in our homes and blocks. Members come together to win repairs, stop rent increases, prevent evictions, and improve our immediate conditions by taking action together. All are welcome, no experience necessary.

At each meeting we cover: national and local updates; training on member defence and work on our members issues. If you would like something to be added to the agenda, contact Izzi beforehand. 

Accessibility: If you have any access requirements please contact Izzi beforehand. Leith Library has ramp access, wheelchair accessible toilets, baby change facilities, hearing aid induction loop, disabled parking, free Wi-Fi, and charge points for personal devices and electric wheelchairs. Kids are welcome to come and also take part in meetings, accompanied by parent/guardian. 

The local bus routes are: Lothian 7, 10, 11, 14, 16, 21, 34.

Time, dates and regularity
Member Defence meetings in Leith are open to all members across the city. They are bi-monthly on the 2nd and 4th full week of each month, Wednesday at 6.30pm - 8pm. They are open to people who have issues and those who want to work with fellow members to win real changes to our homes and grow the union. 

Can't make this meeting?  There are meetings in Fountainbridge on 2nd and 4th full week Tuesday evenings 6pm at Fountain Cafe on Grove Street and also in Lochend, Ripple Centre time changes (email [email protected]) if you are based nearer those ends of town or the day suits better. See 

Living Rent is Scotland's Tenants Union, rooted in the community, working to put power back in the hands of ordinary people. Member defence is run by and for members, if you want to fight for safe, affordable, secure housing for yourself and neighbours, Join here:

If you want to take on your issue you must join as a member, come along to find out what that means!

October 16, 2024 at 6:30pm - 8pm
Izzi Brannen · · 07874880834

Will you come?