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Member Defence Meeting - Fighting Rent Hikes Session

Rent Hike Training session 
This session will be a training/ interactive session on how to fight against rent hikes and build a member defence startegy and step by step timeline. We will focusing on rent hikes which are members are currently expriencing. We will then spend some time going over any other issues members might be experiencing. If you have a rent hike you want to stop, come along. 

Member defence is how we can real win changes in our homes and blocks. Its where members come together to win repairs, stop rent increases, stop evictions and improve our immediate conditions by taking action together. All are welcome, no experience necessary. Each meeting is unique, but we'll be going over cases, learning negotiation skills and strategy planning. 

RSVP to come along and if you have your own issue contact us before and let is know.

** This is a session for people in the Newington/ Meadows/ Fountainbridge group and the Gorgie/Dalry branch (EH11). If you unsure whether you can attend this meeting, just message and we can have a chat. If you live around EH6 you can join the Leith member defence meeting on Wednesday 14th: ** 

Report your issue here:
Report your rent hike here:

September 13, 2022 at 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Fountain Cafe, 111 Grove Street
111 Grove St
Edinburgh EH3 8AB
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Sinead McNulty · · 07593128079

Will you come?

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  • Sinead Dana McNulty
    published this page 2022-08-29 16:33:49 +0100