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EDINBURGH: Object to the Murrayfield Sports Bar being turned into student accomodation!


The planning application to demolish the Murrayfield Sports Bar and turn it into even more student accommodation is now available for objection on the council website here. To get this refused, there needs to be 30 individual 'competenet objections', these are objections related directly to the council policy, rather than 'i believe it should be affordable housing', (even though we think so too)!

Therefore, we recommend that you oppose the development on the by copying the below 


I object to this development based on the relevant competencies. The main reason being that the development would contain 100% studio flats, and include that this is in opposition to the following local and national policies:

Student Housing Guidance pg. 8 – locational and design guidance

“d) Student accommodation should comprise a mix of type of accommodation, including cluster units, to meet varying needs of students.”

NP4 Policy 14b calls for development to be “- Adaptable: Supporting commitment to investing in the long-term value of buildings, streets and spaces by allowing for flexibility so that they can be changed quickly to accommodate different uses as well as maintained over time.”

City Plan 2030 Policy Hou 6 states “Planning permission will be granted for purpose-built student accommodation where no more than 10% studio flats are provided.” and that “3.188 Studio flats can lead to social isolation and in high concentration do not foster healthy student communities. Cluster flat arrangements allow the opportunity for students to interact and improve wellbeing. This policy seeks to provide flexibility for future conversion to other residential uses studio can pose issues for conversion.


Object on the council website here You can also add other reasons or comments, but include the ones above. 

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Showing 2 reactions

  • Andy Lothian
    commented 2023-11-14 16:23:41 +0000

    I object to this development based on the relevant competencies. The main reason being that the development would contain 100% studio flats, and include that this is in opposition to the following local and national policies:

    Student Housing Guidance pg. 8 – locational and design guidance

    “d) Student accommodation should comprise a mix of type of accommodation, including cluster units, to meet varying needs of students.”

    NP4 Policy 14b calls for development to be “- Adaptable: Supporting commitment to investing in the long-term value of buildings, streets and spaces by allowing for flexibility so that they can be changed quickly to accommodate different uses as well as maintained over time.”

    City Plan 2030 Policy Hou 6 states “Planning permission will be granted for purpose-built student accommodation where no more than 10% studio flats are provided.” and that “3.188 Studio flats can lead to social isolation and in high concentration do not foster healthy student communities. Cluster flat arrangements allow the opportunity for students to interact and improve wellbeing. This policy seeks to provide flexibility for future conversion to other residential uses studio can pose issues for conversion.
    I also feel that the loss of a community pub is wrong there isn’t alot of places for families to go in the area.
  • Sinead Dana McNulty
    published this page in News and Achievements 2023-11-05 14:21:06 +0000