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City Wide Outreach Training - building for our branch launch in Lochend.

City Wide Outreach Training Saturday 22nd April 11am - 2pm, Lochend!

Outreach is how we builld a strong an effective union. We go door to door, asking people what they would like to see changed and what do you think we can do to achieve it, together.

The outcome of this training is that you will feel confident in: having organising conversations with people on doors, stalls and shops; presenting Living Rent; recruiting new members and the process for recording and handling data. 

The aim for this outreach session to build our branch in Lochend - through using organising conversations on doors to find issues, asking people to join Living Rent and inviting people to the branch launch in Lochend on May 20th!

- 11am meet at Lochend Park for a 30min preparation. 
- 11.40 - 1.40 - outreach 
- 1.40 - 2pm - debrief and follow up. 

April 22, 2023 at 11:00am - 2pm
Lochend Park, 153 Lochend Rd S Entrance, Edinburgh EH7 6DR
153 Lochend Rd S
Edinburgh EH7 6DR
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Sinead McNulty ·

Will you come?

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  • Sinead McNulty
    published this page 2023-04-04 16:35:25 +0100