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Report your mould and damp!

No one should be living in damp and mould in their homes. But last year, Wheatley Homes received over 3,300 complaints of mould and damp and admitted that they did not place “any particular marker” to identify mould and damp in their properties. 

Mould and damp impacts our physical health through lung conditions and hampering child development, it exacerbates mental health issues, it ruins belongings and is socially isolating.

That’s why we are fighting to bring an end to mould and damp in Wheatley Homes. 

But as part of our campaign we need to build up a picture of mould and damp for Wheatley Homes tenants.

We know it is not just a problem for Wheatley tenants, as the costs of heating our homes increase and our homes fall further into a state of disrepair, mould and damp in Scotland is soaring for everyone. 

Fill in the form now!