People in St Andrews are starting to come together to demand change. They say enough is enough. There's a meeting on Tuesday the 27th of September at 6.30pm on Zoom. Will you join them?
Whether it's a lack of affordable housing (or lack of housing generally), illegal evictions, astronomical rents and rent rises, second homes, empty homes or short-term lets, members of Living Rent know that when we stand together and hold power to account we can win. Will you stand with your neighbours?
Come to an exploratory meeting open to everyone who lives in St Andrews and the surrounding area's. On Tuesday the 27th of September from 6.30pm until 8pm.
There will be a brief introduction to Living Rent and time for discussion of the problems that you or your neighbours are facing. Then we'll jump straight into planning how to grow enough power in the area to demand solutions and planning for a Founding Meeting of Living Rent St Andrews some time in October.
This intro meeting will be held on Zoom to build for the In Person training and Founding meeting in October.
Get in touch with Kerri, the local organiser, if you have any access needs or requirements or questions.