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Seize the Fees



In 2012 the Housing Act Scotland of 1984 was amended to make it clear that landlords could only charge tenants for deposit and rent. Despite this, letting agents in Glasgow have knowingly continued to charge 'administration fees', 'holding fees', 'booking fees' and a variety of other exploitative and illegal fees.

Whilst the law has been in place for years it continues to go unenforced. If the authorities don't feel the need to reign in this greedy and criminal behaviour, we as tenants must organise and bring them to heel ourselves.

Living Rent, Scotland's Tenants Union have already been fighting back against these illegal fees and have won back thousands of pounds for our members. Letting Agents in Glasgow are already beginning to sign an agreement with our union which commits them to paying back 3x times the unlawfully charged amount.

With your help we could achieve city and nationwide agreements, register below and play your part in stamping out this unlawful, racketeering practice for good.


Showing 2 reactions

  • published this page in News and Achievements 2024-04-16 17:49:07 +0100
  • Shirley Sampson
    signed up 2019-04-18 11:30:21 +0100