This meeting is for all residents in the block of flats at West Pilton Crescent/Oliphant Lane/Pennywell Road. Tenants in this new block of council flats have been experiencing issues with repairs since the building was built 8 or 9 years ago. Leaks, damp, draughts, broken windows/doors and all manner of disrepair, residents in this block have experienced it all. This culminated in weeks without heat or hot water right in the middle of the coldest spell of the year, with the council offering only an insulting £50 credit per flat for the misery this caused. However, residents are ready to fight back and demand changes to the way they are treated by the council, with their union by their side.
Union members in the block have chosen these ongoing issues of disrepair as the focus of their 1st campaign. This meeting will discuss the solutions residents want to see, who is the target that can grant these demands and how to continue growing the group so that all residents are involved and everyone is united.
Come along to build your union in your block that is powerful enough to take on the council and demand fair treatment!