The Living Rent board is proud to announce that Living Rent, Scotland’s Tenant’s Union, is joining the ACORN International family of organisations. Founded in the 70s by legendary organiser Wade Rathke, ACORN started out in the united states organising low and middle income communities to fight for change and immediate improvements in their neighbourhood. This model caught on and now ACORN is an international organisation representing tens of thousands of members.
We feel Living Rent has much in common with our new sister organisations as we to orientate ourselves around empowering the disempowered and through collective action winning a better deal. Specifically we look forward to working closely with ACORN organisations such as ACORN Canada who are fighting for landlord licensing and ACORN in England and Wales who are leading the #RentersRising campaign to establish a renters union south of the border.
Through joining ACORN International we believe we are recognising that tenants in Scotland have much in common with low and middle income communities across the world, and that by working together, across borders, we can only strengthen each other’s causes.
For more information about ACORN International, their website can be found here. An example of some of the tenant organising being carried out by ACORN in England can be found here.