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Edinburgh Member Defence Training


Last week, the Edinburgh branch of Living Rent assembled in Pilton to get trained up and ready to defend fellow tenants. 

The group worked through the process of member defence: from how to knock doors and find cases, to how to build an effective negotiating team. 

Among the participants were the family of a new member, whose case Living Rent are currently working on. The group used the session as an opportunity to rehearse an upcoming negotiation in the case - the member's Mother-in-law giving an outstanding performance in her role as Landlord!


The group also worked together to draft effective letters of complaint, and found that the task (which can often seem overwhelming or intimidating) was in practice straightforward - especially when you know your rights. 

If you're interested in getting trained in member defence (and getting stuck in where it counts!) get in touch at [email protected]


Funded by People’s Health Trust using money raised by HealthShow through The Health Lottery


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