We are hiring an organiser to support the campaign against SERCO evictions
We have been funded to support the anti-eviction campaign protecting asylum-seekers housed by SERCO in Glasgow. To do this with greater professional support, we are recruiting a part-time organiser based in Glasgow. The role will entail organising outreach events, supporting the creation of anti-eviction organising teams, supporting the actions and coordination between Living Rent and other organisations, and organising events for tenants and people under the threat of eviction. The organiser will be working with existing volunteers as well as various organisations involved to protect people from the threat of eviction by SERCO.
We are looking for someone keen to work with a young organisation and passionate about member-run and diverse organisations. Experience in recruitment, training delivery, community education or campaigns is welcome; however enthusiasm, willingness to learn and commitment to social justice are more important than previous experience as training will be provided. This role may suit someone with experience in sales, street fundraising or other customer facing work, and wishes to move into organising or campaigning. We are very excited to continue growing our organisation and hope this job is for YOU!
You can find the person and job specification (here), the application form (here) and the equal opportunities monitoring form (here). If interested, please read the job specification and send the application form and equal opportunities monitoring form by Saturday the 13th of October 5pm. You can post them to Living Rent, 4.30 St Margaret's House, 151 London Road, EH7 6AE, or ideally e-mail them with the subject matter: ‘Job Application’ to: [email protected]