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Lochend branch

Do you live in Lochend/ Craigentinny/ Restalrig and care about your community? Join us in fighting for a fairer vision of housing for tenants and residents who live here! 

Living Rent Lochend branch was launched in May 2023. We established ourselves as a mix of private, council, social tenants, shared owners and homeowners. 

We are passionate about fighting to keep Lochend fair, secure and a great place to live! We do this by running local campaigns and defending local tenants when they have problems with their landlord. See below about our current work. 

Events and Meetings
Check our events page

  • Monthly Branch Meetings:  Our branch meetings are currently held on Thursday on the first full week of the month at 6pm. Location can change. 
  • Member defence meetings: on the second and fourth full week of every month, Tuesday, 6pm. Meetings are held in room 4.12, floor 4, St Margaret's House, 151 London Road. 


Mixed Tenure Improvement Scheme (MTIS). (see more here) 

We secured £54million from Edinburgh City Council to retrofit council homes in North East Edinburgh after a campaign we ran to get 3 blocks repaired. We are now campaigning to ensure that this scheme is implemented fairly across the country. 

Empty Homes Campaign 

Over the last year members have also got the council to commit to returning most of the 1,500 empty council homes back into use. Read about the succes here. 












Organiser/ Staff contact: Get in touch with Niamh, [email protected]  

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  • Rufus Bouverie
    published this page in Local branches 2024-04-19 13:11:24 +0100