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Our Arcade, Our Say!

The proposed regeneration of Shawlands Arcade represents one of the biggest changes to the area in recent years - involving the building of 600 one and two bed luxury apartments on the site! The developers did not include plans for any affordable homes or parking to accommodate this new development. 

In June, the developers organised a ‘live webinar’ supposedly attended by 300 people. This consultation did not facilitate public engagement and questions were selected and modified by a moderator. Since then, there has been no update on what is happening. Living Rent members have spoken to local residents and shop keepers - many simply have no idea of what the regeneration plans are or when the planning application will be submitted to the Council.

Living Rent members in Shawlands are clear: in the midst of a rent crisis, Shawlands needs more social housing and family oriented homes - not more luxury apartments! Local residents deserve to be properly engaged with (not simply ‘consulted’) by the developers and have a say in what is being done to the Arcade. 

On Saturday 12th February, join this day of action at 2pm outside the Arcade (in front of Iceland) to tell the developers what YOU want the arcade to be. 

If you want to find out more about what the action is or help organising it, get in touch with Sonja ([email protected]

You can read what Living Rent members say about the regeneration plans here:


February 12, 2022 at 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Shawlands Arcade (by Iceland)
Sonja Coquelin ·

Will you come?

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  • Sonja Coquelin
    published this page in Events 2022-02-01 17:30:27 +0000