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The Scottish parliament passes the rent freeze and eviction ban!

On Thursday the 6th of October, the Scottish government passed a rent freeze and eviction ban for all tenants throughout Scotland.

Whilst there are some concerning limitations to the Bill, it's a massive relief. In the middle of a cost of living crisis, when all is increasingly uncertain, the last things tenants need is massive rent hikes and evictions. Over the last year, landlords have poured petrol on the cost of living crisis by increasing rents on top of already soaring energy bills and other costs. It's time that they start realising that we cannot be sheltering them from the crisis!

Thi sis a massive win for all tenants across Scotland, and shows the power that we have when we come together.

You can read more about the campaign's development here, here in Huck , here in Tribune or here in the National!

The rent freeze will go a long way to ensuring that tenants are not made to pay for the economic crisis on top of all the other uncertainties, the last thing we need are rent increases and evictions.
Though a huge win, rents before the freeze were completely unaffordable. This rent freeze is a great emergency response, and will need to stay in place until the Scottish government brings in proper rent controls to push rents down.
But importantly, the passage of this bill shows the incredible power that we have when we get organised, and fight for our essential needs.

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Showing 2 reactions

  • Gary McIntosh
    commented 2022-10-12 19:23:01 +0100
    Hi. Great news, but could you please publish a detailed article about the in’s and out’s of the eviction ban. For example, crucial dates. If I have been served with a notice to quit before 6th Sept, is this the same as an eviction notice and will it apply? Many thanks.
  • Rufus Bouverie
    published this page in News and Achievements 2022-10-07 14:19:05 +0100